Why Should You Take Urine Test In The Morning?

Why should you use urine? Urine is the easiest stuff than can be taken easily for the test which may contain hCG (hormone secreted during pregnancy). These tests measure the levels of hCG in your urine. The amount of urine each test can detect varies widely. The amount of hormone each woman secret may also vary, but not as widely.
If you are in your fourth or fifth weeks of pregnancy, the better tests on the market will measure your urine contain 25-50 mIUs of hCG, This is usually the amount found in urine in that age of pregnancy.
When is the best time to you took your urine test? You can have it anytime as you like, but first morning urine will always contain the highest concentration of hCG. That's why the earlier the better. Even though, most tests do not require that you use first morning urine. You can help better your chances of having enough hCG in your urine by waiting four hours after you last urinated to take the test. This will allow hCG to build up in your urine.
The sooner you do your pregnancy test the quickest way to know you're pregnant. This is important because the first trimester carries the highest risk of miscarriage, the natural death of an embryo or fetus, known medically as a spontaneous abortion. It is often the result of health problems of the fetus, the mother, or damage caused after conception.
Probably you know that pregnancy takes approximately 40 weeks between the time of the last menstrual cycle and birth (38 weeks from fertilization). It is divided into three trimesters, and the first trimester is the crucial term.
It's rare to find false result after doing urine pregnancy test, although sometimes it happens. For example, when you take your urine pregnancy test too early, it may show a negative answer although later it revealed to be a pregnancy. And a positive answer appeared when later it turn out the woman is not pregnant. In this condition it is usually cause by a very early miscarriage.
About The Author
Sara Jameson writes her experiences in "The Very Happy Pregnancy: Avoiding Stress and Depression." Check this out http://www.early-pregnancy-symptom.info and http://www.first-sign-of-pregnancy.info
Labels: pregnancy, pregnancy test, urine test
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