How to Elimate Dry Skin Naturally

1. Be sure to include fresh fruit, nutritious vegetables, whole grains and clean water in your daily diet. Your skin is a living organ. Give it what is needed to stay healthy.
2. Start the day with invigorating stretches. Learn basic yoga and practice it for 10-30 minutes each morning.
3. Cleanse your skin with cold-processed soaps. They contain plant oils that nourish the skin cells. Avoid products with Sodium Laurel Sulfate or other harsh detergents.
4. Exfoliate skin weekly to remove dead skin cells and toxins. Use a scrub with plant-based ingredients to restore moisture and elasticity.
5. After the bath or shower, moisturize the entire body with a mineral oil-free product. Be sure to read labels. Even some "natural products" contain mineral oil. It is a cheap by product of petroleum and does not contribute the health of your skin.
6. Monitor the water temperature when bathing, extremely hot temperatures can be drying as well.
7. Use proper sun protection and limit your exposure to direct sunlight.
8. Retire by 10:00 pm each evening. This allows your body time to heal itself and restore all organ systems. In turn, promoting good skin health.
By following this holistic approach you should experience a significant difference in the health of your skin.
About The Author
Chanelle Washington, BSN is a Certified Holistic Practioner. She is an honors graduate of Temple University and member of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society for Nurses. She is an informative speaker, inspiring author and owner of Indigofera " Plant Based Body Care Collection". Contact her at
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